Wetland Seasons Park 毗鄰香港濕地公園,環境清幽,充滿綠意生趣。其會所公共空間呈示的數十件藝術品,涵括繪畫、雕塑及裝置種種,均契合自然及保育主題,各有特色亦彼此相依。濕地公園內有四季昆蟲魚鳥,可高空鳥瞰,可平視遠眺,俯仰之間,姿態萬千如畫山水畫。所以在藝術創作的角度和整體構思,就是由萬呎高空 – 即從黑臉琵鷺由北方、南來香港過冬的數千里路途開始,來到濕地公園,待明春返北的故事。
Endless Seasons
Adjacent to Hong Kong Wetland Park, Wetland Seasons Park enjoys a green and tranquil environment. A dozens of art works, including paintings, sculptures and installations, have been displayed in its club house and other public areas. Inspired by natural conservation and environmental protection, all art works in Wetland Seasons Park have their own characteristics while at the same time share the same central idea.
The Wetland Park attracts visitors’ attention by unique wildlife as well as picturesque landscapes. No matter from a bird’s eye view or from the head-up angel, the Park will always inspire you. In order to delicately describe the views from different angels, visitors are encouraged by artists to imagine themselves as black-faced spoonbills coming from thousands of miles away, from the North to Hong Kong in every winter.
Project completion: April 2021
Wetland Season Part look out Commission of suspended sculpture of black-faced spoonbill coming home from the North to roost in Wetland Park The first artwork created for the main entrance is the large-sized moss wall installation (W8000xH1600mm) with a flying flock of black-faced spoonbills thus presents how they observe the Park from high above. Beside of the reception counter, the half-abstract German-style painting “Green Bay in Spring ”, oil on canvas, W3000xH2100mm, hanging on the other side wall of the entrance lobby, is also inspired by the journey of black- faced spoonbills. With light and soft colors, the landscape painting seems to evoke the feeling ofhomesickness. Club House Entrance Club House Entrance The Park is filled with green. Dark green and light green mingle to create multi-layered scenery of water and mountains. Displayed at the entrance of the club house, the painting “Cross the River in Spring ” oil on canvas, (W1600xH2500mm), is inspired by a photography taken by the painter near the freshwater lake of Wetland Park. While looking at the painting, viewers seems to wander by the lakeside and to completely engaged themselves in the tranquil and thought- provoking atmosphere. Apart from the bird-theme chess board, there are several dozens of bird-shape wood sculptures, scattering on antique shelves or book shelves in club houses and public areas. As various kinds of birds appear in each month in Wetland Park, the artists create sculptures in accordance with the shapes and characteristics of different birds to remind the visitors and residents of the values about environmental protection and ecological conservation. Probably there can hardly find more gratifying thing than waking up with sweet bird songs. 四季荷景 (Lotus Vista) 此藝術裝置系列及其混合媒體作品,是以濕地公園內荷花塘上的四季景致為創作靈感。以活潑色彩反映荷花在春夏秋冬時分的生命力和她的美態。 Lotus Cafe Lotus Cafe artwork by Eric Cheung At the end of the corridor, the painting named “The Beauty of Wilderness ” (W3400 x H1400mm )reminds visitors of the poetic landscape in the Park. Inspiredby the photographs captured by Robert Seng, the piece echoes with Deep Bay and Wu-tong Mountain in a realistic manner. 《一水護田》 The valley grows with the water 油 畫 / Oil on canvas W1400 x H2000mm 這畫作以現代彩墨風格,描繪出香港早年在北區、 天水圍和后海灣等地,昔日的漁村風光。構圖上可 見到淡水河流在漁村屋前流過,也有水稻田,漁塘 和鄉間民居散落在天水圍至上下白泥一帶的景色。 廣彩餐具 在瓷器上加工畫花,人稱廣彩,即廣州彩 繪,始自清朝同治光緒年間,流行於廣州 河南一帶。白瓷以人手用毛筆繪畫圖案, 再放入窰內燒製。手繪瓷器,上色不能太 薄,不然會甩色,亦不能太厚,燒製時會 整片碎裂,很考功夫。 The painting “Reflection on Lotus Pond ” (W2250xH1700mm), as its name, describes water and reflections of sky, clouds and trees. Untouchable and precious,the painting helps viewers to rethink the passing of time and the sophisticated relation between time and space. Hanging on the wall of gym centre and yoga room, the piece will definitely bring moments of tranquility and quietness for each of the visitors. “The river speaks in the silence ” (1050x3400mm) (1600x1600mm), could be viewed as the reflection of the uniqueness of Hong Kong culture and the artiststitches the multiple pieces of cloth to present fish ponds, rivers and mangroves of the Wetland Park in an abstract manner and highlight the interaction between artworks and the surroundings. Lift Lobby to Sky Club 2D commission painting by Chi Wong 這畫作以立體浮雕元素,用纖維及紡織布製作。布料 採購自九龍深水埗區,有數十年歷史的布匹販賣地、 俗稱”棚仔”的布匹售賣市場。活潑鮮明的色彩、簡 約抽象的線條和構圖表現濕地公園和Wetland Seasons Park 內各種色彩鮮艷的花卉植物。 Wetland Park provides a comfortable habitat for diverse categories of birds. In order to decorate Wetland Seasons Park, quite a number of bird-theme art works produced by several sculpture and installation artists are wisely exhibited in restaurants, the sky lounge and outdoor spaces to highlight the biodiversity of the residence and the harmonious relations between individuals and the surroundings. Sky Club Sky Club Wetland Birds Chess set, installation art featured on the table, 500x500mm, bronze designed exclusively for the Sky Club, Wetland Seasons ParkWhen you look up at the ceiling, you will find wood-made Black-faced spoonbills flying in a row from North to South to tell the romantic stories of bird migration. When you overlook the Deep Bay at a clear day in Sky Lounge, you will be surprised the pleasant scenery. Combining indoor and outdoor areas, Sky Lounge could be utilised as both a natural and an artistic space for residents to relax and enjoy life. The art works in the Sky Club, as well, share with you the beauty ofthe Nature. The “Wetland Butterflies” series, carefully made by the sculpture artist Ben Yau, presents various kinds of colourful butterflies specimen appearing in different months in the Wetland Park. One of the most attractive bird-theme sculptures and installations should be the large-scaled of international chess board (W2000xD2000xH1000mm). Locatedin one of oval-shape gardens of Wetland Seasons Park, the chess board is designed by the artist to satisfy the entertainment need of families with little kids.Bird-shape chess pieces are created with imagination and creativity to attract the attention of both adults and children. Visitors and residents are welcomed to interact with the outdoor installation by ways of playing chess or taking selfies with friends and family members. The four multi-functional rooms in Four Seasons Hall of Wetland Seasons Park are named after spring, summer, autumn and winter, thus the art decoration of the four rooms, from colour tone to the selection of art pieces, echos with the theme. The sculptor Anna Li has created four pieces of sculptures under the name of “Four Seasons”. Each of them tells vivid and poetic stories of the seasons and displays the biodiversity in the Wetland Park. Visitors will find out Common Tiger and Kingfisher in her work named “Spring” and enjoy the beauty of lotus and red dragonfly in the “Summer” piece. Definitely you can hardly miss out the cute Wood Sandpiper in Anna’s sculpture work under the name of “Autumn”, and will not let the Mudskipper in the “Winter” piece slip away in front of you. Spring Noon 《岸芷青青 》 “Breezes are soft, and skies are blue ” 油畫/ Oil on canvas W2500 x H1600mm 這畫作的整體構圖是以濕地公園紅樹林浮橋上,所拍攝到魚塘水面 的浮游植物生態作為焦點。而創作過程中,明顯地將整體色彩調整 得比較明亮,能夠帶出春天的色彩,和清新明媚的濕地湖景風光。 濕地四季系列 – 春季篇 作品構思 : 以圓盤形狀為主, 像徵四季流轉, 配合篆 刻印章及祥雲裝飾 陶藝家: Anna Li 李善琨 尺寸: 15x14x4吋 媒介: 高温坧器, 玻璃 創作年份: 2021 簡介: 普通翠鳥Common Kingfisher/秋茄樹/ 圓葉/ 節節菜/ 假馬齒莧/ 虎斑蝶/寬邊黃粉蝶 / 亮灰蝶 Summer Room 濕地四季系列-夏季篇 作品構思: 以圓盤形狀為主, 像徵四季流轉, 配合篆刻 印章及祥雲裝飾 陶藝家: Anna Li 李善琨 尺寸: 14.5 x14 x 6吋 媒介: 高温坧器, 玻璃 創作年份: 2021 簡介: 小鸊鷉 Little Grebe/ 荷花/ 水金英/ 紅蜻蜓/花細狹口蛙/ 招潮蟹/ 彈塗魚 Autumn Room 濕地四季系列- 秋季篇 作品構思: 以圓盤形狀為主, 像徵四季流轉, 配合篆刻 印章及祥雲裝飾 陶藝家: Anna Li 李善琨 尺寸: 14 x 14 x 4.5吋 媒介: 高温坧器, 玻璃 創作年份: 2021 簡介: 林鷸Wood Sandpiper/ 慈菇/楓香/ 蘆葦/ 招潮蟹/ 彈塗魚 Autumn Room Endless Seasons Adjacent to Hong Kong Wetland Park, Wetland Seasons Park enjoys a green and tranquil environment. A dozens of art works, including paintings, sculptures and installations, have been displayed in its club house and other public areas. Inspired by natural conservation and environmental protection, all art works in Wetland Seasons Park have their own characteristics while at the same time share the same central idea.